Heidelberg University Hospital

Section of Geriatric Psychiatry

Research of the section of geriatric psychiatry focuses especially on schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Neurobiological backgrounds and psychosocial influences are of major interest. One of the main focuses of the last few years has been laid on the early detection of AD, working with modern diagnostic methods like MRI and liquor-analysis. Publications have discussed the definition, diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a potential prodromal state of AD. Research within the Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on Adult Development and Aging (ILSE) has focused on the epidemiology of psychiatric diseases and its interaction with physical health. Studies like ILSE have the potential of providing precious knowledge about possible risk- and protective factors concerning the development of cognitive impairments, which is of great interest with respect to new intervention and prevention strategies.

Johannes Schröder is the head of the Section auf Geriatric Psychiatry and its associated memory clinic at the University of Heidelberg. Moreover he is the vice-chairman of the ethics committee of the medical department. Johannes Schröder was appointed as a fellow of the Marsilius-Kolleg which is the centre of advanced studies at the University of Heidelberg. Within the Marsilius Kolleg he is the speaker of the interdisciplinary project “Perspectives of Ageing in the Process of Social and Cultural Change”. His long standing contribution to Alzheimer research was honoured with the Alois-Alzheimer price in the year 2006. His research group is an interdisciplinary team with specialists from the field of medicine, psychology, linguistics and neuropsychology.


Prof. Johannes Schröder
Heidelberg University Hospital
Department of General Psychiatry
Section of Geriatric Psychiatry
Voßstraße 4
69115 Heidelberg (Germany)
Tel: +49-6221-56-5468
Fax: +49-6221-56-5327
E-Mail: johannes.schroeder(at)med.uni-heidelberg.de
URL: http://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/